coal gas

[kəul ɡæs]
  • 释义
  • 煤气;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    The dehydration of coal gas for Cowper heater proves effective when pipe cycling plate is used.


  • 2、

    Zinc ferrite prepared by coprecipitation was identified as a novel desulfurization sorbent for hot coal gas.


  • 3、

    Coal gasifier, coal gas generator, coal gasification plant, coal gasification furnace.

    煤气化炉, 煤气发生器, 煤炭地下气化厂, 煤气炉.

  • 4、

    Coal gas production became involved with safe gas explosions.


  • 5、

    The hot coal gas heating furnace is a store which the coal gasify gasses burn again.


  • 6、

    Impurities gathered in the duct wall affected the cooling effect of coal gas primary cooler.


  • 7、

    The electric detarrers of the coal gas plant were reformed and got better results.


  • 8、

    The coal gas has been odorized before supplying the users.


  • 9、

    In coal gas drilling, coal collapse led to drilling hard trip and other accidents.

    在煤层气钻井中, 煤岩坍塌造成接单根困难、起下钻遇阻遇卡、蹩泵等事故和井下复杂.

  • 10、

    The stress, water and velocity sensitivity of coal gas reservoir were studied.

    研究了煤岩储层的应力敏感 、 水敏和速敏.

  • 11、

    The method of gas drainagecoal seam gas drainage , near coal gas drainage , and goaf gas drainage.

    瓦斯抽放的方法有本煤层抽放 、 邻近层抽放和采空区抽放.

  • 12、

    It can be extracted without burning a fossil fuel such as coal, gas, or oil.

    它在采掘过程中无须燃烧如煤炭, 煤气或石油这类矿石燃料.

  • 13、

    True synthetic fibers are made from such as coal, gas and petroleum.

    合成纤维由煤 、 天然气和石油制成的.

  • 14、

    In production and transportation process of coal gas, the coal tar has comparatively severe harmless.


  • 15、

    If sews did not pasted on time, coal gas would come out from the.

    如果不糊上, 裂缝里就会冒出煤气.

  • 16、

    Therefore, large amount of coal gas can be prevented from externally flowing from the burner.


  • 17、

    Coal gas resource in china is very abundant and gas reserves is the third of world.


  • 18、

    Electric tar precipitator is high purifying equipment that is applied in the cooled coal gas station.


  • 19、

    The article introduced the complexity of wastewater and disposal method during coal gas production.


  • 20、

    Coal gas is produced by the gasification of coal.


  • 21、

    Linqing depression is one of the favorable areas of coal gas exploration in Shengli oilfield.


  • 22、

    In order to enlarge utilization coal gas resource, tamping coking process is adopted at Nangang.

    介绍了南(昌)钢公司为扩大利用焦煤资源, 采用捣固炼焦工艺.

  • 23、

    How much coal gas can this gas tank contain?

